Case Study: Food Manufacturer
This was an exciting project for us and one we wanted to share with you because it highlights how we can work with companies to find solutions to unique issues. While we cannot share the name of the organization, we did want to share the details.
Customer Challenge
Handling waste streams should not be a thorn in the side for food manufacturing companies. Rather, they should be focused on growing their business and providing shareholder value. So when we learn about a food manufacturing company struggling with their recycling program, we are eager to help!
A major international food manufacturer had a recycling program, but it was proving to be very cumbersome. They were using three different providers for three different kinds of material, each with their own trailer spotted. One of their challenges was limited dock space. Another challenge was managing the different relationships with the three different waste stream solution providers. Communication and coordination always seemed to take more time and effort than it should. They were ready to do something different.
This company wasn’t only dealing with logistics issues. They were also landfilling material and were ready to do something different. Quincy Recycle’s fresh approach to their recycling program turned out to be the answer.
Quincy Recycle Solution
Quincy Recycle immediately freed up dock space by eliminating the need for two spotted trailers. Because we specialize in handling mixed commodity trailer loads, we were able to take all their material on one trailer.
We also worked with the manufacturer to understand what they wanted in terms of logistics. It was important to them to have a spare trailer on site so if one quickly became full due to increased production, they could easily swap the trailer and keep production moving.
“Our creative sales team and attention to detail customer service team asks lots of questions of our clients so we truly understand their goals, needs, and challenges…..this is a great example of our team doing that in a complete and thorough manner, ” said Kurt McLaughlin, VP of Sales for Quincy Recycle.
A consistent schedule was also important to our customer. They are serviced on the same days at the same times. This way, they know exactly what to expect and can plan accordingly. But as anyone in business knows, things can always change quickly. That is no problem for us! We work with our partners teams when special needs and requests arise. The best part is that they only have to make one phone call! We even provide weekend service if they need it. We have a network of local and over the road freight carriers that are always ready to pick up the next load.
For us, the icing on the cake is that we were also able to divert their ingredient bags and fiber drums out of the landfill. We not only made an environmental impact on their waste stream, but we also made their waste stream process more efficient.
Major Takeaways:
- Maximized dock space by spotting one mixed commodity trailer for all of their material
- Streamlined their recycling program and offered one point of contact for all their recycling streams
- Worked with our customer’s production team to come up with a schedule that works for them
- Diverted their material out of the landfill
Contact us about your food byproducts problems – let’s work on them together!