Do Not Ship Air and Other Safe Trailer Loading Tips
Freight costs are a large part of the cost of industrial recycling. Keep your freight costs under control by organizing your loads so you are not “shipping air.”
One key to a profitable recycling solution is to maximize your freight cost-per-ton on trailer loads.
“Heavier loads have a lower cost-per-ton than lighter ones from a freight cost standpoint,” John Danker, General Manager of our Chicago area plant in Alsip pointed out. “42,000 to 46,000 lbs. for a 53’ trailer is a good weight.”
Some tips on optimizing weight:
- Stack bales three high, two wide to maximize space usage.
- Double-stack Gaylord boxes for maximum weight and stability.
- Palletize or use Gaylords rather than shipping loose materials.
And think stability when loading. Unstable loads are dangerous and less profitable. Trailer loads with collapsed bale stacks or shifted bales take longer to unload, increasing processing costs.
Tips for stable loads:
- Put like with like – uniform bales and pallets are more stable.
- Load the heaviest bales on the bottom, and keep in mind OSHA rule 1910.176(b)(1) that requires properly securing material to prevent collapsing bale stacks.
- Stacking the last two rows only two high prevents bales from shifting and leaning against and falling out of the doors.
- #safetyalways
- #aliveandwell