Employee Spotlight: Nate McNally
There is one thing we know we can count on when it comes to Nate McNally. He puts his heart and soul into everything he does. His passion and enthusiasm for the work he does for our company and life, in general, is evident the moment you meet him. So, speaking of the moment you meet him, we would like to share our first moment. Nate canceled his initial interview with our company. After some thought, he decided he was no longer interested in pursuing a role with QRP. Not long after withdrawing his candidacy, Nate had reconsidered. He would do anything to come in for an interview. We obliged, and he showed up with a cake. How do you not hire a guy who shows up with a cake? We are glad he gave us a second chance. Nate has a knack for making everyone he meets feel like they have known him his whole life, which is likely one of the many reasons he is so successful in his sales role with Quincy Recycle. To say we are lucky to have him on our team would be an understatement!
When did you start with Quincy Recycle?
April 1, 2015
What was your job title when you started?
Business Development and Sales
If you had to pick one, which Core Value is your favorite and why?
My favorite is Listen up, be inquisitive, & keep an open mind. I can’t tell you how many times I went into a situation where I was so sure I knew the answer, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Listening and asking questions are two of the most important lessons I’ve learned here at Quincy Recycle.
What was the most challenging thing to learn in your roles?
I’d say the different paper and plastic commodities. There’s quite a few of them and it was intimidating at first, but the team was always helpful and sometimes it felt like we were all learning as we went. I’m still learning new commodities all the time, I’m just faster at knowing what smart people to call and ask first.
What was the most surprising or fun thing to learn?
I’m still surprised that the secret sauce continues to be asking questions, getting as much information as possible, saying you don’t know the answer if you don’t know the answer, and bringing the info back to your team for advice and ideas for solutions. That’s it. That’s the secret. I’ll probably be fired for disclosing this information.
What’s your favorite part about working at Quincy Recycle?
Definitely our small group here in St. Louis. We have a lot of fun, laughing and poking fun at each other. Everyone wears multiple hats and helps when and where they can. There are a lot of inside jokes and traditions that I’m sure are only hilarious to us and us alone. Besides being a successful team, we are all really good friends.
What would you like prospective employees to know about Quincy Recycle?
Not wanting to sound too sappy and mushy here but I am extremely lucky to say I work for this company. It’s a family, it’s laid back, it’s always evolving, we have fun, and we always celebrate the wins. I trust our leadership and I know that if I had an issue in either my personal life or my professional life, I will be supported 100%. I’m blessed. Not sure what more you can ask for.
What are some of your hobbies outside of work?
Mostly I just like to be at home with my wife and kids, laughing at the antics of our 4- and 2-year-old boys. I like podcasts, exercising, I’m a new hunter so I’ve been obsessed with learning about hunting and all that comes with it. And I recently started Jiu-Jitsu which has been an extremely humbling and awesome experience. I’d recommend it to anyone.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever read or received?
“Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid.” – Ronald Reagan
“Pray, Hope, and Don’t Worry.” – Padre Pio “World Domination” – Mike Christl
If you had to pick a song to portray the culture of Quincy Recycle, what would it be and why?
I’d say in this current OCC market we are listening to a lot of Elliot Smith. But the answer is obviously Real American by Rick Derringer.